
Our home is where we hand-pour all the magic!

Crafting Love Through Wax


[Grá (graw) Irish Gaelic word meaning Love]

An ode to Ireland that was inspired by years of exploring the land of angels, Grá is the manifestation of love, in its truest form.

With memories etched in our hearts of the nature and beauty of the Wicklow mountains, made famous by the classic ode to love, Ps. I Love You – Grá brings the magic of love into your home, with smells that are reminiscent of the scenic Irish countryside.

Our products are carefully handcrafted, and just like bees work their magic building their honeycombs, our candles turn the beautiful beeswax that remains in the hive, into something magical and full of love.

GráCandlesandMelts…our home is where we hand-pour all the magic.

Just like a wax melt, we melt and reform ourselves and bring about sweetness and warmth. We love sharing the handpoured magic of wax and fragrances blending together, bringing love and warmth wherever you use them! From your home, to a workplace, our products are meant to bring a sense of warmth into a space, transforming it into an ode to the senses.

white bull terrier wearing green hat
white bull terrier wearing green hat



Drop in and say hello

Our Candle Studio teleports you... We hand-pour our candles and melts and handcraft our ceramics in Auroville.

Home Studio

Indiranagar, Bengaluru, India - 560038


Monday to Friday

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